Tuesday, November 9, 2010

real talk

I'm going to start posting more often. I feel like I have to wait a few days and put together a summary of the past few events. I'm going to write my exact feelings & thoughts. I sort of feel like I have to ween around my words to make things sound better sometimes. Don't get me wrong, things are great right now. But they may not always be great and I have decided I'm not only going to post when they are. There's always a peak point in a book and that chapter of mine starts Tuesday the 16th, ONE week from today.

Dr.Perkins told me to not call it chemotherapy, so scratch that word, insert "Therapy/Treatment/Hormone Biological Injections" mhm. I am so anxious to get this show on the road. The first month, as I have been told, will be one of the hardest of my life. I know one day I will look back on this incident and know that it only made me a better, tougher,& a happier girl.

Today I got my last blood bag removed from my incision on my groin. It kinda felt like I lost a finger or little body part (ha) but I am SO relieved to have those things off. I wasn't told I would have two on until I woke up from my surgery and felt them tugging on my stomach. BLEK!
I love my Nurses, Oncologist, and "Therapy" Doctor....they make daily/weekly trips to the hospital more enjoyable and inviting.

I get to take my first bubble bath today. It's been 21 days of ridiculous 2 hour long cold showers maneuvering my fragile body protecting my incision/blood bags from water haha. Ya'll don't understand how excited I am for this. So there comes the end of my post. bye

1 comment:

  1. still with ya girl! You're always on our minds and in our hearts.
